2014 Calendars

Is it already that time of year that we’re talking about 2014 Calendars?  Why, yes!

Who really uses calendars these days?  After all don’t we have our smart phones?  Well, yes.  These calendars, though, can decorate your walls, your office, or add a bit of color to your work desk.  In my Etsy shop you will see Wall Calendars and 5×7 loose leaf calendars, both types can be used together or separately.  These calendars make great gifts for a loved one – a parent, a sibling, a significant other or for yourself.  Here they are!

The 5×7 Loose Leaf Calendar

I have created 2 concept designs in the 5×7 Loose Leaf Calendar format – Colorful Abstracts and Sweets!  Each month has its own 5×7, with a 5×5 image that can be trimmed and framed once the month is over.  So, you have a calendar + 12 5×5 images once the year is over! See more images of these calendars here: Colorful Abstracts and Sweets!



The 11×14 Wall Calendar

Hot off the design press is the 11×14 Wall Calendar.  It comes in both a Vertical and Horizontal Orientation and both can have either an 8×8 or an 8×10 image of your choice, from my shop.  Once the year is over you can trim the image and you have a frameable 8×8 or 10×10.  Brilliant, no?  Here are a few ideas.  More ordering details can be found here: 11×14 Horizontal Calendar and 11×14 Vertical Calendar.




Any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
Until next time, Helen

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